Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Isaac!

It's so hard to believe that our little boy is 12 today. He also had his promotion today. He'll be going to middle school! How fast time flys by! Here's a picture from today.

Isaac - 12 years old

June 11, 2008

and now for your viewing pleasure, a short movie dedicated to the birthday boy...


Irreverent Mommy said...

Isaac is 12? Good heavens I am getting old! I take it he's not in a stroller anymore?!

I love that boy & his disgust for the nauseating tea cups!!! We skipped that ride last year! =P

Suzanne said...

NO, He's not in a stroller anymore! It's all about skateboards and bikes these days.
Oh, the teacups, the poor boys eyes wouldn't stop rolling! Thanks Chris & Brant, you scarred him for life. "Teacups, BAAAAADDDDD."