A few minutes ago I wrote a very eloquent post about why I haven't posted in more than two years. It was brilliant, funny, touching and possibly Pulitzer worthy. You would have read it and your life would have been changed forever.
You will have to take my word for it because as I was putting the final touches on my brilliant post, it disappeared. Poof, gone, nothing remaining except for one lonely little letter. The letter "c". Of course, that is exactly when blogger decided to auto save, so truly all I was left with was the letter "c". I don’t even remember what word I was typing at the moment. All the emotions that ensued, reminded me why I hadn't tried blogging in such a long time. I just really didn't have the time or energy to deal with the little extra things that go with it all. I was too busy with the little extra things that were happening in real life.
So, am I ready to try again? I honestly don't know. However, I think it's time to either start using the blog or give it up altogether. It felt strange to know it was just sitting there with old family stories on it even though so many new stories had taken place. I'll give it a try for a little while and see where I end up.
Even if you decide not to use the blog, I would love to hear your stories. Thinking of you and missing you...
Surprise! Hey, it’s your sort of cousin. You know the one who is really bad about keeping in touch. Yeah, Virginia. Uh...Shipp. Remember me? well, I read your old blog, got a chuckle, because I thought maybe I could have wrote that too. I have written late night long epistles that disappear too, with the finishing touch, mine too just vanish. I get really upset, then sad because I know there is no way I can possibly recreate the emotion and catch-up of our lives again. Now, I’m drained and tired and I just close out my screen, heave a sigh and just go to bed. I know how you must have felt. I don’t have the fortitude to “do” a blog. Hop all you guys are doing well and you see this comment on your blog, Happy New Year to your whole family!! From Kenny and Virginia!!
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